11:30 am – Lunch (Pot Luck, everyone brings a dish)
12:30 pm – Plant sale begins for Master Gardeners & Interns
2:30 pm – Organize plants after sale
BCMG March Monthly Meeting (9:30 am Social, 10:00 am Meeting)
BCMG February Monthly Meeting (9:30 am Social, 10:00 am Meeting)
Volunteer Fair
BCMG January Monthly Meeting (9:30 am Social, 10:00 am Meeting)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jeremy Pickens, Assistant Extension Professor of Horticulture, Specialized in Commercial Greenhouse and Nursery with Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES).
Topic: Plant Propagation and Plant Patent Laws.
BCMG November Monthly Meeting (Election and Last WDLR Award Voting Day)
* Election of Officers and Board of Directors
* Wayne de la Rua Voting closes at the end of the General Meeting
Guest Speaker: Mark Hammond
Topic: Blue Zones