12 events found.
Meetings of the Baldwin County Master Gardeners are held monthly on the second Wednesday, usually at the Gulf Coast Research & Extension Center, 8300 State Highway 104 in Fairhope, and are open to the public. The educational portion of the meeting starts at 10:00 AM. A business meeting starting at 11:00 AM follows the educational session.
July and December are Awards meetings and for members only.
BCMG Spring Plant Sale – Setup
Weeks Bay Foundation (Across from Weeks Bay Reserve) 11401 US-98,, Fairhope, AL, United StatesBCMG Spring Plant Sale – Setup & Pre-sale
Weeks Bay Foundation (Across from Weeks Bay Reserve) 11401 US-98,, Fairhope, AL, United States11:30 am - Lunch (Pot Luck, everyone brings a dish) 12:30 pm - Plant sale begins for Master Gardeners & Interns 2:30 pm - Organize plants after sale
Intern Class
Auburn Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center 8300 State Highway 104, Fairhope, AL, United StatesBCMG Spring Plant Sale
Weeks Bay Foundation (Across from Weeks Bay Reserve) 11401 US-98,, Fairhope, AL, United States9:00 am Sale Starts 10:30 am Free gardening workshop 11:30 am Lunch Provided 4:00 pm Sale ends